50th Wedding Anniversary

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A couple goes back to their original honeymoon hotel for a celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.

After all the family festivities they retire to the original room they stayed in on their honeymoon night 50 years prior.
The woman is done with her bathroom antics and her husband takes her place for his turn to get ready.

The elderly man takes quite awhile in the bathroom, as is his norm, and his wife spends the time figuring out the best way to look the most seductive when he comes back out of the bathroom.

She tries on several nighties, some pajamas, sexy undies, a nice teddy with lace trim. Finally she decides that naked and ready would be the best bet, so she lies back on the bed and aims her lower torso towards the bathroom door. As soon as the door to the bathroom opens she raises her legs in the air and spreads them.

Her husband steps into the room, takes one look at his wife and immediately bursts into racking sobs.

“Aw, honey. What’s wrong? Do you love me so much it brings you to tears?” she asks.

“No,” he sobs, “Fifty years ago I couldn’t wait to eat that. Now it looks like it wants to eat me!”

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  • 50th Wedding Anniversary

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    There was this old couple getting ready to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. The old man went out shopping to find a really nice present for his wife.

    When he returned home, he found his wife standing on her head naked. For the life of him, he could not figure out what in the hell she was doing , so he asked,”Honey…what in God’s name are you doing naked ,standing on your head??”

    “Well dear,” she replied, “it is our 50th anniversary, and I was feeling kind of romantic…we are getting old, and I figured since you can’t get it up anymore, you might as well drop it in.”

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