Fred was a tired, overworked traveling salesman who’d been
making sales calls all day and hadn’t even stopped for lunch.
At about four o’clock he pulled into the crowded parking lot of a large plaza, thinking he could get a bite in the food court. He circled around several times looking for a parking space when he finally spied one close to the entrance. He was carefully backing in when a young guy driving a Porche, who obviously saw Fred, zoomed around the back of the row and zipped into Fred’s space.
Fred could have beaten the tar out of this guy, but he was
tired, hungry, and really didn’t want any trouble, so he drove around to the back of the row and pulled in behind the Porche.
After a quick bite in the food court, Fred came out to the car, thinking about where he might be able to make another sales call or two before going home. He shifted his old heap of a car into what he thought was Park but was actually Drive and stepped on the gas.
BAMMMMM!!! He smashed into the rear end of the Porsche. Fred’s car was not even scratched, but walking around the car, Fred guessed the Porsche would need about two thousand dollars of work.
People began to gather around, wondering what Fred was going to do. So he took out a blank order pad, wrote a note, left it under the window wiper of the Porsche, and drove away. This is what the note said:
“People think I’m writing my name, address, phone number and insurance company on this note so you can get in touch with me about the damage, but I’m not.”