Amusing Signs

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Sign on restaurant window: Great food (50,000 flies can’t be wrong)

Sign on an airport runway: All baggage carts must yield to oncoming planes.

Sign at the Pavlov Institute: Knock: Please don’t ring bell.

Sign at a crematorium: Urn more. Pay less.

Sign in a 1 hour eyeglass store: 20/20 in 60 Minutes.

Sign in a funeral parlor: Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Grave digger’s motto: We are the last ones to put you down.

Sign in a dentist’s office: Patient parking only. All others will be painfully extracted.

Sign in a restaurant: If you smoke, don’t exhale.

Boyfriend wanted: No experience necessary. Will train.

Sign on a closed store: This store is guarded by a very mean dog 3 nights a week. You guess which nights.

Sign on a hearing aid shop: Trust us. Over 5000 ears of experience.

Sign in a thrift shop: We are a non-profit organization. Please help us change.

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