Bill Gates in Hell

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Bill Gates died, and went to hell. As he got there, he was welcomed by the devil himself, who said, “Welcome, we’re going to give you three choices of rooms.”

The ex-billionaire agreed and Lucifer showed him the first choice. It was very decorated and had a gorgeous, and stunning woman with a bottle of wine, and also included an IBM PC, which was turned on and was Windows 98. Bill Gates didn’t even want to see the other two rooms, and asked for that one immediately. The devil agreed.

Right after that, one of the devil’s servants, very surprised asked, “But chief, this is not hell, how could he get such a fancy room like that?”

The devil answered, “You know the bottle of wine? Well it has a hole, and the woman doesn’t.” Then the servant asked about the computer.

He said, “It’s frozen,and it’s missing three keys. Control, alt, and del.”

By M. Diego and translated from portuguese to english by Brazilian Chick.