President: “This is a great day in our country. I as your President have come up with a sure fire way to fix many of our social issues. The issue of education for example is one with many pitfalls. The best manner in which to solve this issue is to create efficient and low-cost methods by which we can give all visitors to our great nation the impression of prosperity.”
Questioner: “Really? How so?”
President: “Well, you see, the idea is to create what I call “Virtual Institutions”. Instead of building actual schools and hospitals, we will build signs which will guide would-be students and patients in endless circles trying to find their facilities. With the obvious financial savings, we can create even more fighter planes to destroy our enemies!”
Question: “And what of our injured? Or those of us who will be left uneducated?”
President: “I plan to convert all hospitals into DNA labs, designed to create millions of Velociraptors that will devour the weak (who are supposedly looking for hospitals) and the stupid (who ae looking at the virtual signs wondering what they missed).
Question: “And our country wil now be in the hands of vicious prehistoric creatures?”
President: “In a manner of speaking…”
Questioner: “Since when did you become a Republican?”