Yo mama at the Super Bowl
Posted in Yo MamaYo mama so stupid she took a spoon to the Super Bowl.
Q: What do hillbillies do on Halloween?
A: pump-kin
A: “God must hate me”
B: “Why?”
A: “He makes me like pussy so much, and damn it, he puts the thing on a woman!”
A young mother was once again pregnant and trying to explain to her little girl how she had got that way. She explained how a baby was growing in her tummy, and how it took and egg and a sperm. Daddy made the sperm, and Mommy made the egg.
So the little girl asks, “So if it takes a sperm and an egg to make a baby, and the egg is already in your tummy, then how does the sperm get in there. Does Mommy swallow it?”
“She does, if she wants a new cocktail dress,” said Mommy.
This coworker was truly concerned about her husband’s smoking habit. She had finally gotten him to agree to limit his smoking at home to only those times when they had finished making love. She said she had gotten the idea from a classic movie they had watched on TV called “Cold Turkey.”
After about a week, I asked her how it was going. “Well, not too bad,” she said, getting up off the pillow she had in her chair and limping towards the photocopy machine. “I’ve gotten him down to about a pack a night now.”