Definitions for the nineties

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Keep This near your desk at work so you can translate what is REALLY being said to you.

1) Politically Correct- saying something, without actually saying it so that anyone that hears you isn’t sure what was said nor can they repeat to anyone else to incriminate you.

2) Abrasive- the opposite of being p.c. (politically correct).

3) Heads up- I heard the rumor before you.

4) Challenged - Fucked. (example, “I want to Challenge you….)

5) Mentally Challenged- mentally fucked.

6) Physically Challenged- you aren’t gonna get fucked.

7)BE a TEAM player- someone wants to challenge you on a daily basis.

8)Trade show- a gathering of challengers on an expense account looking for new challenges.

9)Confrontational- you’re standing your ground and pissing them off.

10) Sales Manager- only living heart donor. First cousin to a lawyer.

11) Financial advisor- a wolf in wolf’s clothing (and thus completes the trilogy).

12) Learning opportunity- BEND OVER!

13) Growth opportunity- same as #12 but no k-y jelly.

14) Customer Service- highest form of P.C.

15) Assistant- replaced the word secretary because they can’t keep a secret but they certainly can show their Ass.

Eat your heart out Dilbert