Dental Difficulties

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A man went to his dentist to complain about his false teeth. The dentist, after a careful exam, asked, “What have you been eating? Your entire upper plate has eroded since I gave you these teeth just a few weeks ago.”

“The only thing I can imagine is that recently my wife served me some asparagus with Hollandaise sauce. I loved it so much that I now eat it everyday on everything–toast, meat, vegetables, fish–everything!”

“Well,” said the dentist, “that is likely the problem, since Hollandaise contains lemon juice. I’ll make you a new plate that can withstand the corrosive sauce.”

A few days later, the man returned to receive his new teeth, but he was surprised to see them all shiny and silvery. “What are they made of?” he asked.

“I know they might look a bit unusual,” replied his dentist, “but everyone knows, there’s no plate like chrome for the Hollandaise.”