Do’s and Don’t Do’s of University Life.

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Matt and Lennie’s Do’s and Don’t Do’s…

Of University Life:

Do - Ask questions when in doubt.

Don’t - Call your professor “P. Daddy Spanks”.

Do - Bring books to class.

Don’t - Bring your pet Tree Frog “Mittens” to class.

Do - Buy second hand books.

Don’t - Buy home made books out of the back of Slimmy Jakes truck.

Do - Form a study group.

Don’t - Let the crazy old guy that lives in the dumpster out back in your study group.

Do - Take notes in class.

Don’t - Get bored and make up your own lecture.

Do - Enjoy yourself in class.

Don’t - Shoot spitballs at the professor and blame it on the foreign guy that sits three rows back.

Do - Choose a good seat.

Don’t - Sit beside the fat guy wearing the wizards hat, stroking his stomach and saying, “Patience my pet”.

Do - Manage your money.

Don’t - Eat a specimen in biology lab for five dollars.

Do - Add a witty and sexual signature to your e-mails.

Don’t - Forget to remove it when sending to your professors.

Do - Support university teams.

Don’t - Spell University wrong on your sign.

Do - Take time to enjoy a snack.

Don’t - Wash it down with Mystery Chemical ‘B’ from Chemistry Lab.

Do - Show interest in class by sparking debate.

Don’t - Use last nights episode of `Star Trek’ as your basis.

Do - Join student groups.

Don’t - Join the `Saved by the Bell Brigade’


Do - Enjoy your time at university.

Don’t - Waste your time making lists to send to people unless you disguise yourself as the foreign guy that sits three rows back.

Thank you,
The Foreign Guy that sits three rows back.

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