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A couple decide to go to a Halloween party one year.
So they dressed up as two cows and headed out for the party..

While on their way, the car broke down and they were stranded.

As the man walked around the car kicking and cussing , He noticed the house they were going to was just accross the pasture.

“Well,” said the man. “I guess we can walk through the pasture and be there in a minute or two and we’ll pick up the car later”.

“OK,” says his wife.

So they head out across the pasture to the house.
About half way accross the pasture she sees a bull stomping and snorting about 100 yards from them.

“OH Dear!” she says “What are we going to do now?”

The man replies, “I’m going to act as if I’m grazing,
But, if I were you, I’d brace myself!”

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  • Halloween

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    Q: What do hillbillies do on Halloween?

    A: pump-kin

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