How is Married Life?

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Not long after his marriage, Ernie Junior and his father, Ernie Senior, met for lunch. “Well, son,” asked Ernie Senior, “How is married life treating you?”

“Not very well, I’m afraid,” sighed Junior. “It seems I married a nun.”

“A nun?” his father questioned.

“That’s right,” moaned Ernie Junior, “none in the morning, none at night, and none at all unless I beg!”

Ernie Senior nodded, knowingly, and slapped his boy on the back a couple of times. “Why don’t we all get together for dinner tonight and have a nice talk?”

Young Ernie smiled, “Say, Dad, that’s a great idea!”

“Fine,” replied Ernie Senior. “I’ll call home and tell the Mother Superior to set two extra plates.”

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