Ping Pong Ball Contest

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A local TV station sponsored a fabulous contest, the grand prize being a 30-day all expense paid trip around the world. Three gentlemen were selected as finalists, and as a final task each were given 14 days to accumulate as many ping pong balls as they could.

The three men all set out on their unusual journey. After 5 days the first gentleman returned in a Chevy pickup truck, filled to the top with small white ping pong balls.
“Great! You’re in the lead! But we have to wait for the other two finalists.”

Another 5 days go by and the 2nd finalist returns, this time driving a Mack truck, filled with little white ping pong balls. It took the judges several hours to count them, and he was proclaimed to be in the lead. “But, we have to wait 4 more days for out third finalist”.

On the 14th day and only a few hours left the judges prepared to award the grand prize to the 2nd finalist.
Finally with just an hour to spare the third finalst, an elderly white-haired gentleman, appeared at the TV station to report in. He was in terrible shape - his clothes were ripped and shredded, he was scratched and bruised from head to toe. His left ankle was bandged, and even his right arm was in a cast. He was an absolute mess! He hobbled in using a crutch and dropped two large shopping bags in front of the judges.

“Where in the hell have you been?”, asked one judge. “The other finalists collected thousands more ping pong balls than you. What happened?”

“Ping pong balls?”, the elderly man asked. “I thought you said KING KONG’S BALLS!!!!!!!”

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