Redneck Computer Programmer Dickshunary

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“BIT” = A wager as in, “I bit you cain’t spit that watermelon seed across the porch longways.”

“BYTE” = First word in a kiss-off phrase.

“CURSOR” = What some guys do when they are mad at their wife and/or girlfriend.

“FLOPPY” = When ya’ll can’t get it up no more.

“DIGITAL CONTROL” = What yore fingers do on the TV remote.

“HARD DRIVE” = Trying to climb a steep, muddy hill with 3 flat tires while pulling a trailer load of moonshine.

“INTERNET” = A fishing tool.

“KEYBOARD” = Place to hang your truck keys.

“LAN” = To borrow, as in, “Hey, Delbert! LAN me yore truck.”

“MEGABYTES” = A day of good fishin’.

“MODEM” = How you got rid of your dandelions.

“MOUSE” = Fuzzy, soft thing you stuff in your beer bottle in order to get a free case.

“NETWORK” = Activity meant to provide bait for your trout line.

“PACKET” = What you do to a suitcase or Wal-Mart bag before a trip.

“REBOOT” = What you do when the first pair gets covered with barnyard stuff.

“ROM” = Delicious when you mix it with Coca Cola.

“WINDOW” = Place in the truck to hang your guns.

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