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The Top 39 Things You Would NEVER Hear A Texan Say:
39. “I’ll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex”.
38. Duct tape won’t fix that.
37. Lisa Marie was lucky to catch Michael.
36. Come to think of it, I’ll have a Heineken.
35. We don’t keep firearms in this house.
34. Has anybody seen the sideburns trimmer?
33. You can’t feed that to the dog.
32. I thought Graceland was tacky.
31. No kids in the back of the pick-up, it’s not safe.
30. Wrasslin’s fake.
29. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace?
28. We’re vegetarians.
27. Do you think my hair is too big?
26. I’ll have grapefruit instead of biscuits and gravy.
25. Honey, do these bonsai trees need watering?
24. Who’s Richard Petty?
23. Give me the small bag of pork rinds.
22. Deer heads detract from the decor.
21. Spitting is such a nasty habit.
20. I just couldn’t find a thing at Wal-Mart today.
19. Trim the fat off that steak.
18. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso.
17. The tires on that truck are too big.
16. I’ll have the arugula and ridicchio salad.
15. I’ve got it all on a floppy disk.
14. Unsweetened tea tastes better.
13. Would you like your fish poached or broiled?
12. My fiancee, Paula Jo, is registered at Tiffany’s
11. I’ve got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl.
10. Little Debbie snack cakes have too many fat grams.
9. Checkmate.
8. She’s too old to be wearing a bikini.
7. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts?
6. Hey, here’s an episode of “Hee Haw” that we haven’t seen.
5. I don’t have a favorite college team.
4. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side.
3. I believe you cooked those green beans too long.
2. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla.

And the #1 thing you would NEVER hear a Texan say is:

1. Elvis who?


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There was an egg in a pub and a woman comes over and begins to chat him up. They have a dance and at the end of the night the woman asks him if he wants to go back to her place. He says ‘OK’ so he collects his bag and leaves.

When they get to her house she says, ‘I’m just going to slip into something more comfortable’

She returns wearing a small purple garment. The egg who always carried this bag opened it and put on a crash helmet which was inside. “Is there something wrong?” the woman said.

“Yes,” said the egg, “last time I was this hard someone hit me on the head with a spoon!”

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    One evening, Charlie was feeling pretty light-headed from a couple of boilermakers when he rang the bell of the most expensive cat-house in town. “How ya doin’”, he said when the madam answered the door. “I want your mos’ adventurous girl.”

    The madam ushered him inside and sat him down. “You have to be a little more specific”, she said. “What do you mean by ‘adventurous’?”

    “Well when I’ve had a couple a lil drinks, sometimes I have a tough time gettin’ it up, if you unnerstan’ my meanin. When that happens, I can usually overcome the problem by makin love in a risky kind a place, like an elevator or under the table in a resrant. Unnerstan?”

    “Yes, I do” replied the madam. “The girl you want is Marcy. For an extra hundred, she’d fuck skydiving, but she can’t leave this house until morning. We’re going to have to create a situation for you here, so just entertain yourself with these videos while I go talk to Marcy.”

    She returned in a few minutes and said “It’s all set up. You two are going to do it on the roof overlooking the front lawn so if any passerby happened to look up, they’d see you. That sound adventursome enough?”

    It worked like a charm. Charlie had no problem getting it up and even Marcy was getting excited, when they felt themselves slipping toward the edge of the roof. There was nothing to grab except each other so they held on tight in amorous embrace while they rolled over the edge onto the grass below, both stunned but not hurt.

    A few moments later, another very drunk gentleman rang the doorbell of the cat-house. The madam answered and said “I’m sorry, sir, you’re drunk. Come back when you’re sober.”

    “I don’t want a girl”, said the drunk. “I jus wanted to let you know your sign fell down.”

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    Cold Hands

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    Two young lovers go up to the mountains for a romantic winter vacation. When they get there, the guy goes out to chop some wood. When he gets back, he says, “Honey, my hands are freezing!”

    She says, “Well put them here between my legs and that will warm them up.”

    After lunch he goes back out to chop some more wood and comes back and says again, “Man! My hands are really freezing!”

    She says again, “Well put them here between my legs and warm them up.”

    He does, and again that warms him up.

    After dinner, he goes out one more time to chop wood for the night. When he returns, he again says, “Honey, my hands are really freezing!”

    She looks at him and says, “For crying out loud, don’t your fuckin’ ears ever get cold?”

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    Bishop & the Bellringers

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    After Quasimodo’s death, the bishop sent word through the streets of Paris that a new bellringer was needed. The bishop decided to conduct the interviews personally and went up into the belfry to begin the screening process. After observing several applicants demonstrate their skills (or lack thereof), he decided to call it a day when a lone, armless man announced that he was there to apply for the bellringer’s job.

    The bishop was incredulous. “You have no arms!”

    “No matter,” said the man, “observe!”

    He then began striking the bells with his face, producing a beautiful melody on the carillon. The bishop listened in astonishment, then told him he had the job. Dancing with joy, the armless man tripped and plunged from the belfry to his death in the street below. The stunned bishop rushed to his side.

    When he reached the street, a crowd had gathered around the fallen figure, drawn by the beautiful music they had heard only moments before. As they silently parted to let the bishop through, one of them asked, “Bishop, who was this man?”

    “I don’t know his name,” the bishop sadly replied, “but his face sure rings a bell.”

    The following day, despite the sadness that weighed heavily on his heart due to the unfortunate death of the armless campanologist, the bishop resumed interviews for post of bellringer of Notre Dame.

    The first man to approach him said, “Your excellency, I am the twin brother of the poor, armless wretch that fell to his death from this very belfry yesterday. As you can see, I’m more blessed than he in that I have two strong arms, the better to strike the bells. I pray that you honor his life by allowing me to replace him in this duty.”

    The bishop agreed to give the man an audition, but as the armless man’s brother stooped to pick up a mallet to strike the first bell, he groaned, clutched at his chest and died on the spot. Two monks, hearing the bishop’s cries of grief at this second tragedy, rushed up the stairs to his side.

    “What has happened?”, the first breathlessly asked, “Who is this man?”

    “I don’t know his name,” sighed the bishop, “but he’s a dead ringer for his brother.”

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