Some abbreviations for the Chatrooms

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\_/ \_/………………..Soda

(~~)? (~~)3…………Coffee mugs

(_)?……….Tea cups (fine china)

[%]D..Hot cocoa w/mini marshmallows

(#$#$#$#$#$).Plate of hash browns and onions

[:::] [:::]………Poptarts for all

(sgeg)===……Pan of scrambled eggs


@–>–>– ……………….A rose



{{{screen name here}}}…..Personal Cyber hugs

{{{ }}}…………..Lots of Hugs
:) …………………….Smile

or :o) ……with round nose

(:D) ………………….Big Grin


:O………………REALLY Surprised


:oD…………………..with nose

:+ or :o+………………Kiss

:* or :o*………………Whistle
;) or ;o)………………Wink
:x or :ox…….My lips are sealed

:( or :o(………………Frown

:’( or :,( or :,o(……….Crying

0:)……………………..Angel (Halo is a zero)


\o/ \o/\o/………….Praising God