On the first day of school the teacher announces, “To get to know the class better, I’d like each child to tell us their name, what their father does for a living, spell it, and if he were here what would he give the class?”
The first boy says, “Hi, my name is Johhny. My daddy is a baker, B-A-K-E-R and if my father was here he would give the class a muffin.”
Next girl says, “Hi, my name is Ally and my daddy is an electrician, L-E-K, no ahh A-L-E-K.”
The teacher interrupts and says, “We’ll come back to you later.”
The next boy jumps up, “Hi, my name is Luigi and my father is a Bookie. B-O-O-K-I-E, and if my dad were here he would give 10 to 1 odds that bitch can’t spell electrician!”