Three men go to heaven

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Three men - one Jewish, one Hispanic and one Italian - die and go to heaven. They meet St. Peter at the gate. St. Peter says there is only room for one soul at this time. He continues to say that the Pearly Gates need repair and the three men must offer bids to God to repair the Gates. Whoever gives the best bid will then be permitted to enter.

Each man goes off in a different direction to carefully determine the amont of his bid.

The Jewish man returns to St. Peter with a bid of $1000 stating that he will need all new steel, new hinges, new screws, etc. to do a proper job.

The Hispanic man returns to St. Peter stating that since he could reuse a lot of the materials, he could do the job for $500.

Finally, the Italian returns to St. Peter with a bid of $1,500. Shocked, St. Peter asks how the man expects to win the bid when his price is so high. To this, the Italian responds - “Hey, St. Peter - There’s $500 for you, $500 for me and we’ll let the Hispanic guy do it for $500.”

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