One day Jesus and Moses are out golfing.
Jesus is of course winning and starts to think highly of himself.
They get to the top of this one hill on the tenth hole, and Jesus pulls out a five iron, when he should have clearly pulled out a nine iron.
Moses walks up to him and says, “Are you crazy, you should be using a nine iron, not that five iron”.
“Arnold Palmer would use this five iron”, Jesus replied.
So Jesus, using the wrong club, hits the ball way too far to the left.
“Aw Shucks”, says Jesus.
So Jesus walks up to the ball and again uses his five iron, instead of the appropriate seven iron.
Moses walks up to him again and warns him of his upcoming mistake.
“Arnold Plamer would use this club if he were playing”, said Jesus.
And like the last time the ball goes way off course and unfortunately lands in a water trap.
About this time two golfers come up behind Moses and Jesus, and walk over and start talking with Moses.
Jesus, chasing after his ball, goes down to the water trap and walks out over the lake looking for his ball.
The men talking with Moses see this and in astonishment ask him, “Who does that man think he is, Jesus Christ!?”
Moses replies, “No, he thinks he is Arnold Palmer”!