Your Wife?

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Man walks into the bar and says, “Bartender, give me 4 shots of tequila!”
Bartender says, “Jeez buddy, rough day?”
Man says,”I just found out my younger brother is gay.”
Bartender says,”oh..I’m sorry..” And he pours the drinks…

Next day, same man walks into the bar and says, “Bartender, give me 4 shots of tequila!”
Bartender says, “You still having trouble with your gay younger brother?”
Man says, “No, I just found out that my older brother is gay.”
Bartender says,oh..I’m sorry” and he pours the drinks…

Next day, same man walks into the bar and says, “Bartender give me 4 shots of tequila!”
Bartender says,”Damn! Doesn’t anyone in your family like women!?!?”
Man says, “Yeah..My wife!”

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