10 Ways To Know Your Employees Wants You Dead!

10. When you find a voodoo doll hanging in the breakroom that looks exactly like you.

9. When you fire an employee and he/she smiles and says “I’ll be back in a minute.”

8. If you find a “get-a-free-hair-cut-while-you-shower” coupon on your dest.

7. When you find framed pictures on the memo board of deranged postal workers.

6. When everyone swears it was a mistake in holding your birthday party at a demolition site.

5. When your employees buys a newspaper daily, turns to the death section, and soon as you walk in you hear “Damn”.

4. When someone has replaced your old coffee creamer with a can that just says “Creamer” in a black and white can that has a large X and a picture of skeleton head over it.

3. When you find explosives on the office supply list.

2. When your Sales Rep. for IBM comes to work dressed in camouflage gear and combat boots.

1. When you fire an employee for excessive tardiness and he/she comes in the next morning 2 hours early.
