2 spinsters at the movies

One day this farm boy goes to town to buy a new rooster. While he is walking around town with his new rooster he sees a movie he would like to see, but he knows that they won’t let his rooster in .

So he thinks, “I know, I’ll just put him in the bib of my overalls and they will just think I’m fat.”

So he puts the rooster in his overalls, buys a ticket and goes in.

Well, he sits down next to these two old spinsters and starts watching the movie.

After a while, he gets worried that his rooster might smother to death so he opens his zipper and takes out the rooster’s head. Then one of the old ladies says to the other one, “Ruth the guy next to me is unzipping his overalls!”

And she replies, “Oh Edith, just ignore him.”

But she nudges her and says, “But Ruth, he has got it out of his pants!”

And she replies, “Oh Edith, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen ’em all.”

To which Edith says, “You’ve never seen one like this one — it ate all my popcorn!!”
