3 Newfies

One fine summer day three newfies decided to move to Alberta and find work. The first place they stopped at was Alberta Power and applied for labourer positions. The foreman for Alberta Power asked them if they had ever planted power line poles before to which they replied, “No bye, but we’s be fast learners and quick too.”

So the foreman said, “Alright, show up tomorrow morning and I’ll give you a try.”

The next morning the three newfies showed up at Alberta Power bright and early. The foreman took them out in the country where a bunch of new poles had to be set up, and told them, “I want you three newfies to go down this road and put these poles in, any questions?”

“No bye, us fellers got the idea, we’s be gettin’ right too it.”

Well the foreman came back at the end of the day and asked the three newfies how they had done.

“Bye, we got fifteen of dem’ poles in today.”

The foreman gives them a funny look at them and says, “My regular crew of three Albertans average putting in forty poles a day. What were you doing that you couldn’t even get half of them done?”

“Well bye we’s got good explanation for that. You should see how much of those poles dem fellers left stickin’ out.”
