1) Two blondes were driving to Disneyland, when they saw a sign that read, “Disneyland Left” so they turned around and went home.
2) How do you measure a blonde’s IQ?
With a tire gauge!
3) Why did the blonde climb the glass wall?
To see what was on the other side!!
4)A smart blonde, a dumb blonde, Santa Claus and the Easter bunny were walking along when the saw a $100. Who got the money?
The dumb blonde because the other three don’t exist
5) Why do blondes write TGIF on thier shoes?
So they remember ‘Toes Go In First’
6) Why don’t blondes like to make Kool-Aid?
They can’t get all that water in the little package.
7) How do you make a Blonde laugh on Jan. 1, 1999?
Tell her the joke on Jan. 1 1997!!