spelling bee

On the first day of school the teacher announces, “To get to know the class better, I’d like each child to tell us their name, what their father does for a living, spell it, and if he were here what would he give the class?”

The first boy says, “Hi, my name is Johhny. My daddy is a baker, B-A-K-E-R and if my father was here he would give the class a muffin.”

Next girl says, “Hi, my name is Ally and my daddy is an electrician, L-E-K, no ahh A-L-E-K.”

The teacher interrupts and says, “We’ll come back to you later.”

The next boy jumps up, “Hi, my name is Luigi and my father is a Bookie. B-O-O-K-I-E, and if my dad were here he would give 10 to 1 odds that bitch can’t spell electrician!”
