It was the Night Before Christmas (60’s style)

?Twas the Night Before Christmas
60’s style

?Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Things were real mellow
Even Irving the mouse

Our boots were hung up
The incense was lit
In the hopes that St. Nick
Would soon do his bit

The tree was decked out
It was really a sight
With love beads and flowers
And a flashing strobe light

Wearing my T-shirt
From the Woodstock Nation
I was getting into
Some good meditation

And my chick was doing
Some Yoga in bed
Munching a fruitcake
While propped on her head

Then POW!
It shook the waterbed
And woke up Ol Blue

I stumbled around
And tripped on my beard
It stuck in my toes
And felt really weird

When I got to the window
I was really uptight
?Cause the scene I saw
Was a mind-blowing sight

What through my shades
Did I see coming over the snow
But eight tiny moose
And a wild UFO

With this hip ol dude inside
Looking down right groovy
I flashed, ?If this ain?t St. Nick
It must be the late movie.?

They blew in from the cosmos
Like some far out caboose
And this Fat Cat kept yelling
At each midget moose
?Right on Dasher! Get down Dancer!
Get it on? Do your thing.
Get your butts in gear
Let?s move this machine!?

Then onto the roof top
They flew with that shout
The whole cosmic crew
Really freaked me out

They made such a hassle
And made such a fuss
I thought that someone
Would call the fuzz on us

But before I could say, ?Cool it!
Hold down that loud jive!
Nick zipped toward the chimney
And leaped in with a dive

As he trucked from the fireplace
His face all agleam
I thought, ?This is unreal!
It must be a dream!?

Then he nodded and said,
?This isn?t a bummer?
Like I came in person?
To groove my Yule number.?

His duds were all fur
Trimmed in leather and such
And he came on stone funky
He was really too much

His backpack was painted
With black light festoon
Full of albums and posters
And a neon balloon

His eyes, a light show
His beard Day-Glo bright
A plastic, fantastic
Kaleidoscope sight

He looked like a guru
This beautiful ol cat
I though, ?Like, wow!
This dude knows where it?s at!?

?I don?t want to sound heavy,
He said with a grin,
?My message is simple
So dig it and tune in.?

?I brought you some goodies
But that?s not the thing
My real trip is bringing
Good vibes to your scene.?

So we rapped until dawn
About Peace, Love and Truth
Then he said, ?Gotta split now
Or be late in Duluth

And he tapped his nose
And said, ?I?ve done my bit.?
Then straight up the smoke hole
That fat cat did split

As he sped from the roof
And into the air
He shouted, ?Let?s get it together,
All you people down there.
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a goodnight.?

As he left I thought, ?That cat
Is really outta sight.?
