Take A Chance

Once I was caught by an eye-catching phase that said “Take A Chance”. It was on a small box that had a picture of a beautiful car so I immediately filled out the information on the card, folded it up and placed it in the box.

The next thing I knew, I had extra charges on my phone bill and my long distance company had been changed. I immediately switched back and everytime I see one of those boxes, I fill out the information on the card and slip my card into the box. It goes a little something like this:

Name: Of what/who? Please be more specific

Date: Not since I’ve gained 200lbs

D.O.B.: I think you mispelled this word

Phone: Only when I’m allowed

Address: Well I’m kinda back and forth between Feliciana Facility and Mandeville General

City: Where I was born or where I grew up, please be specific

State: Mental or so everyone says

Zip: Never talk much anyway.

Signature: (I’m sure they may be able to distinguish at least three of the 15 letters in my name)
