The Forgetful Bartender

A Frenchman, an Englishman and a Newfie were on shore leave from the Navy. They went into the bar and got completely drunk. The next morning, they awoke hung over and broke.

The Englishman said, “I’m going to try something.” He went into the bar and ordered a double Scotch. The bartender brought him the drink and told him, “That’ll be two dollars.” The Englishman said, “I paid you already.” The bartender said, “No you didn’t.” The Englishman began screaming, “I SURE AS HELL DID PAY YOU!!” The bartender whispers, “Okay, okay.. just don’t disturb the customers.”

So the Englishman goes out and tells the other two what he did. The Frenchman goes into the bar and does the same thing, with the same results.

Then the Newfie walks in and orders the same drink. The bartender says,”You know, just before you came in, two other guys came in and ordered drinks. They said that they paid me, but I can’t remember them doing so.”

The Newfie says, “ got your problems and I got mine. Now just give me the change for my hundred so I can get outta here.”
