Heimi’s Rent-a-Camel

Two people went to Egypt on their honeymoon. They wanted to get camels to go out and see the pyramids and Sphinx and stuff. So they went to a tourist bureau to find a place that would rent them camels. The information guide told them to go to Heimi’s Rent-a-Camel. So they got directions and found the place. The tourists rang the bell. This short, fat man waddled out and asked if he could help them. They said they needed two camels to go out and see the stuff.

“Will that be a seven or a ten day camel?” Heimi asked. They decided to play it safe and asked for a ten day camel. So Heimi brought out a camel and set a 50 gallon bucket in front of it and made the camel drink. Well, the camel finished that 50 gallon bucket of water, so Heimi filled it up again and set it in front of the camel. The camel drank that one also. So, Heimi filled it up again. He did this routine nine more times. On the eleventh bucket the camel looked at it and turned his head away. Heimi came around front and said to the tourists,
“Now this is a seven day camel.”

Heimi then put the camel’s head in the bucket and picked up two rocks. He then went behind the camel and smashed the camel’s testicles between the two rocks. Well, that camel sucked up the entire 50 gallon bucket of water. Heimi came around front and said, ” And this is a ten day camel.”

The male tourist was just writhing in pain after seeing that and squeeked out, “Heimi, doesn’t that hurt?”

“Nah, you just put your fingers on the sides of the rocks!”



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