Kid on a Tricycle

There was this young boy who really liked going fast. So his parents bought him a tricycle. One day his brother came over with his brand new car. The young boy ran up to his brother and begged him to give him a ride in his new, fast car.

The brother said “How about this. I’ll tie your tricyle to the back of my car and I’ll pull down the street.”

The young boy accepted immediately. The arrangement was that the boy honks his little horn once for faster and a whole bunch of times to stop.

So the two start down the road. The boy honks a couple of times to go faster then honks a lot to stop. So the brother stops at a red light. Another car pulls up next to the car and a woman asks the brother “Do you wanna drag??”

“Sure thing, when the light goes green,” replied the brother.

The light turned green and the cars roared off. The small boy was honking his horn as fast as he could but the brother couldn’t hear him.

The cars drove by an old gas station with two old men sitting out front.

“WOW!! Did you see those cars?!?” exclaimed one of the men.

“Never mind that!!! Did you see the kid on the bike wanting to pass!!!!”
