Monopoly Fun Facts

Warning: Some of these facts may have expired. Was written in 1995. Also, this is VERY long, but PLEASE read it all…

Q. What was the longest MONOPOLY game ever?
A. 70 days

Q. How many little green houses have been built since the MONOPOLY game began?
A. Approximately 5.1 Billion

Q. What is the longest MOMOPOLY game ever played upside down?
A. 36 hours

Q. What’s the most frequently rolled number with the dice?
A. 7

Q. What’s the value of the most expensive MONOPOLY game ever produced?
A. 1 million dollars! Produced by Sidney Mobell, it had diamonds and other gems.

Q. In the UK edition, “Mayfair” is the name given to which US property?
A. Boardwalk

Q. How many MONOPOLY game houses does Parker Brothers build in a year?
A. 64 million per year

Q.What’s the longest game of MONOPOLY played under water?
A. 45 days

Q.How old is the MOnopoly game?
A. 63 years

Q. Who is credited “father of the MONOPOLY game?”
A. Charles Darrow

Q.What’s the value of the MONOPOLY game money Parker Brothers prints in the course of 1 year?
A. Parker Brothers print over 30 billion game dollars per year.

Q. Which color groups cost the most to purchase and improve (build land on)?
A. Green

Q. What happened at the 1959 American National Exhibition in Moscow?
A. All 6 MONOPOLY game displays copies mysteriously disappeared.

Q. Which Benelux country boasts the current MONOPOLY game World Champion?
A. Jost Van Orten (1992), from the netherlands (Holland), is the current World Champion

Q. True or False: All 4 railroads were named for actual Atlantic City railroads?
A. Not quite true. Three were, but Short Line was named for a local bus company…

Q. Which is the most landed-on property in the game?
A. Illinois Avenue (Red)

Q.What American ecomomic era spurred the invention of the original MONOPOLY game?
A. The Depression

Q.What’s the longest MONOPOLY game played in a bathtub?
A. 99 hours

Q. Which are more likely to benefit you: Chance or Community Chest Cards?
A. Community Chest Cards

Q. How long is the actual Boardwalk in today’s Atlantic City?
A. 7 miles long.

Q. What exclusive store once offered customers a $600, full size, all chocolate MONOPOLY game?
A. Neiman-Marcus

Q. How much money does the average player make on the average trip around the game board?
A. $170

Q. Which property was named for a planned Community situated a few miles outside Atlantic City?
A. “Marvin Gardens”, actually spelled “Marven”, the typo was never fixed.

Q.How many people have ever played the MONOPOLY board game?
A. 480 million



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