A man dies and finds himself in a small room that has a couch and TV set in it. There’s another fellow sitting on the couch watching TV.
The new arrival asks the man on the couch, “So, is this heaven or hell?”
The man looks up and says, “Well, there’s no windows or doors, and no apparent way out.”
“Oh,” says the first guy. “So it’s hell?”
“Well,” says the other guy, without looking up from the screen, “but they did give us this nice big TV set.”
“I see. So maybe it’s heaven?”
“Yeah, but the TV has only one channel.”
“Oh, so maybe it’s hell?”
“Well, but the TV station it gets is pretty good–it’s PBS.”
“Oh, so maybe it is heaven after all?”
“Yeah, except for one thing,” the other fellow says, sadly. “It’s ALWAYS pledge week.”