Skipping Work

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead all worked in the same office together. After a few weeks, they began to notice that their boss would slip out unnoticed hours early. One day, the three of them got together and decided that they would leave work early the next day after their boss had left.

The following day, after their boss had left, the brunette, the redhead, and the blonde all left and went their separate ways. The brunette went home, cleaned the house, made dinner for her husband, and relaxed the rest of the day. The redhead went out shopping, went to aerobics class, and called all her girlfriends. The blonde went home, opened her bedrooom door, and found her boss in bed with her husband. Upon seeing this, she quietly closed the door and tip-toed out of the house.

The next day, the three of them were talking about how their half-day off went. The brunette said, “I would definitely do it again. I got so much accomplished.” The redhead agreed, “I did too. Let’s plan another day soon.” They then turn to the blonde who says, “I’m not sure I’d want to do that again. I almost got caught!”
