911 Follies

The following exchanges are taken from transcripts of allegedly true 911 calls.

Nobody Knows Me ….

Caller: “I’d like to make a unanimous complaint, so don’t use my name.”

Deer Roadkill …

Caller: “I’m reporting a deer on the road. I almost hit it.”

Call-taker: “Is the deer alive?”

Caller: “Oh, no, it’s run over. Many, many cars. Again and again, and – OH NO!!! NOT AGAIN!”

This Is A Recording… Not.

Caller: “Am I talking to a real person, or this a recording?”

Better Get The Hell Outta There …

Caller: “We might (cough) need the fire department here (cough).”

Must Be The Military Calling …

Caller: “Is it okay for a civilian to take a person to the hospital, or does the ambulance have to do it?”

Huh ?.

Caller: (irate) “That’s ‘W’ as in Williams and ‘Y’ as in why.”

You’re On “COPS”…

Caller (on realizing the police are on the way): “Get the keg outta here, dude!”

Waiting To Exhale…

Caller: “He’s not breathing!”

Call-taker: “Can you get the phone close to him?

Caller: “WHY? You want to hear he’s not breathing, too?”

Really Deadly Weapons …

Call-taker: “Does she have any weapons?”

Caller: “Well, she has real long fingernails.”

That Will Do …

Call-taker: “We’ll need a description of him.”

Caller: “He’s a lawyer.”

Very Helpful …

Caller: “No, she just didn’t fall…I helped her!”

That’s Not The Only Thing Missing …

Caller: I’m calling about my missing mailbox.

Call-taker: “What is your address?”

Caller: “It’s gone.”

Creepy …

Caller: “I’m scared, I just got an Ouija board for my birthday, and now there’s writing on my wall and I can’t get it off……this thing is going back to K-Mart first thing in the morning!
