Divine Wonders

A priest, a minister and a rabbi have a talk one day. The priest says, “Once I went to Jerusalem to see the Holy Land and suddenly there was a terrible storm at sea. Everybody prepared to die but I started to pray to the Lord and a wonder had happened: everywhere it was still storm but there was nothing around the ship and we got safely to the land.”

“That’s quite a story,” says the minister, “Actually something like this happened to me too. Once I was on a plane to Vatican and we accidentally flew into a thunderstorm. Lightning was striking everywhere around and everybody thought that the end was near but I started to pray to the Lord and a wonder happened: everywhere it was still a thunderstorm but there was not a cloud near the plane and we got safely to Vatican.”

“Well,” says rabbi, “I haven’t been going many places but a similar thing happened to me once too. It was Sabbath and I was going to synagogue when suddenly I saw a wallet lying on the ground. I was really low on cash that time but I couldn’t lift it because of Sabbath. So, I started to pray and a miracle happened: everywhere it was still Saturday but around me it was Tuesday…”
