There was this man named John who was born with three balls. Doctors checked him over as an infant and determined that this was not an abnormal growth. It was indeed a third testicle.
As a grown man, John would go from town to town, hit the bars and bet people he had three balls. There were immediate takers, and when he dropped his pants, they were stunned to see that they had lost the bet, because there before their eyes were three balls.
This went on for several months, and when John hit the next town and went into a bar, he decided to try something different.
After walking up to the bar and ordering a beer, John turned it up, gulped it down and then slammed the mug on the bar counter to get everyone’s attention.
When everyone looked at him, he produced a big wad of bills out of his pants pocket, peeled off a $50 bill, slapped it on the bar, put his arm around the fellow standing next to him and said, “I’ll bet anyone in here $50 bucks that me and my friend here have five balls between the two of us!”
The gentleman next to John, quite embarrassed, leaned over and whispered into John’s ear, “I hope you have four!”