Top 20 things you will NEVER hear a woman say

1. We both work and you got the check last time. Let me get it.
2. I don’t need another pair of shoes. I have a closet full of them I don’t wear now.
3. Maybe this isn’t the right time time talk about this. Let’s talk later.
4. We always talk about how I feel. How do you feel? If you don’t know, that’s OK.
5. You’re right, I’m wrong. I’m sorry.
6. I’m sorry I made such a big deal about nothing.
7. I guess if I want you to romance me I should stop compaining and nagging and shop more at Victoria Secret’s and read Penthouse Letter for ideas.
8. Women look at guys, too. We just don’t have to stare to remember. We’ll fantasize later.
9. I think I already saw this Lifetime Movie or one just like it. They’re all the same basic plot anyway.
10. There’s nothing on TV. Why don’t you flip channels for a while and see what’s on.
11. I don’t care where we eat as long as they have spicy food and beer.
12. Titanic would have been better if the guy hadn’t died at the end. What’s romantic about that?
13. I can’t find something. I had it last. That means I lost it and you didn’t move something and lose it.
14. My hormones are affecting my judgement.
15. I don’t remember the last thing you did wrong. I don’t keep track of them to use in an argument later about something completely different to win that discussion.
16. I should stop worrying about what I don’t have an appreciate you.
17. I don’t want to talk about it.
18. I can’t expect you to know something I’m hiding from you if I don’t tell you.
19. If I’m going to drop my pants and sit down without looking, I deserve to either fall in or pee on the lid.
20. I don’t want it. It’s too much money. Not buying it and saving that much money proves to me that you care more about our long term financial security than giving me an expensive emotional token.
