Monica’s confession

Father Ralf was the new initiate at St. Clures. The old priest, Father Patrick, was getting worn out by confessional and wanted a game of golf. He had put up a big sign to guide Father Ralf:
“Do it yourself confessional – Spitting=1 Hail Mary; lying=2 Hail Marys” and so on.

He said to father Ralf, “I’m off to golf now, you look after confession – just follow the chart & everything will be fine.”

Ralf had a quiet morning until he was interrupted by a young female voice. “Please father, I’ve committed a mortal sin!”

“What have you done?” he said.

“I gave a man a blow job,” she said.

He looked at the chart. NO BLOW JOB. He racked his brains. What the deuce was a blow job? What could he do? Just then a queue of alter boys started walking thru the church.

“Excuse me,” he said. “Can you help me? I need to know what Father Patrick gives for a blow job.”

Deathly silence, then a small voice from the back: “Two Mars bars and a can of coke.”
