The Falcons

A really mean farmer from Georgia had just died, and he had just entered Hell. The devil sensed that he was a real jerk so he decided to torture him a bit.

“Okay, Mr. Farmer… I’m gonna let you sit here in this room for a while all by yourself. So, see ya!” The devil said and left the room. He turned the tempurature up to about 100 degrees.

The next day the Devil came in to the room and there was the farmer, sitting there whistling. The devil closed the door, a little disturbed, and turned the temperature up to 200.

The next day, the devil came in and the farmer was smiling and whistling. “What are you so happy for?!?” asked the devil. “Oh, it’s just that this hot weather reminds me of weather out on the farm. It’s kinda nice.”

So, the devil figures that if he wants to torture the farmer, he should make the room really cold. He turned the temperature down to -100 degrees. “That’ll do,” the devil thought.

The next day he expected to come in and see the farmer freezing and mad. But, he walked in and the farmer was jumping up and down screaming, “YES, YES, YES!! ALRIGHT!!!”

Well this enraged the devil. “WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU SO HAPPY???” he bellowed.

“The Falcons are gonna win the Super Bowl!!!” said the farmer.

“What!?!?” asked the devil.

“I said, Hell is frozen over, so the Falcons are gonna win the Super Bowl!!!!!”
