Artery: The study of fine paintings
Barium: What you do when C.P.R. fails
Benign: What you be after you be eight.
Cesarean Section: A district in Rome.
Colic: A sheep dog
Coma: A punctuation mark
Congenital: Friendly
Dilate: To live longer
Fester: Quicker
G. I. Series: Baseball game between soldiers
Grippe: A suitcase
Hangnail: A coat hook
Morbid: A higher offer
Nitrate: Lower than the day rate
Node: Was aware
Organic: Church musician
Outpatient: A person who fainted
Post-operative: A letter carrier
Protein: In favor of young people
Secretion: Hiding anything
Serology: Study of English Knighthood
Tablet: A small table
Urine: Opposite of you’re out
Varicose Veins: Veins very close together