Dr. Doolittle

A ventriloquist was driving through the country one day when his car broke down. He walked for a few miles and ended up at a farm. The farmer was very helpful, and called AAA.

While the ventriloquist was waiting for AAA, he decided to have a little fun.

“Nice horses”, he said to the farmer, “Can I talk to them?”

The farmer said, “You city slicker! Them horses don’t talk!”.

The ventriloquist said, “Let me try anyway. Hi horses! How does farmer Bob treat you?”

He then threw his voice, making it seem like a horse was speaking, “Oh, farmer Bob is real nice, he gives us hay, and he rides us. We like farmer Bob”.

Well, farmer Bob was amazed! Talkin’ critters! Wow!

The ventriloquist said, “Let me try talking to your cows.”

“Oh, them cows won’t talk”

“Let me give it a shot”, said the ventriloquist, “Hi cows, farmer Bob is quite a guy, huh?”.

The cows seemed to reply, “Oh, we like farmer Bob. He lets us eat grass, and he milks us every day”.

Farmer Bob was flabbergasted! Them cows talk, too!

Then the ventriloquist asked, “Can I talk to your sheep?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t do that!”, said farmer Bob, now panicking, “Them sheeps is all liars, every last one of ’em!”
