There was a man selling a horse, and beside that there was a bench.
One day there were 2 girls sitting on the bench and the man said, “Do you want to buy my horse? He’s a very good horse but he don’t look so good,” the girls refused to buy the horse.
A few days later a boy was sitting on the bench and he said, “Do you want to buy my horse? He’s a very good horse, but he don’t look so good.” At first the boy declined, but the man made him a very good offer, so he bought the horse.
The boy went for a ride on his new horse. He said, “Wow, this horse is good! I must be going 100 miles per hour!” The high-speed ride continued until both horse and boy crashed into a wall.
He went to the man who sold the horse to him and said very angrily, “I want a refund! I banged into a wall going 100 miles per hour! I could’ve been killed!”
The man said, “I warned you. I said he’s a very good horse but he don’t look so good.”