A health inspector walks up to a hot dog stand and orders a hot dog. The vendor grabs a hot dog with his dirty hands, slaps it in a bun and gives it to the inspector. The inspector says “This is a recipe for disease. I’m a health inspector and am closing you down. You have 3 weeks to get your act together.”
The health inspector returns in 3 weeks and orders another hot dog. The vendor uses clean tongs to pick up to hot dog, then uses a fresh napkin to pick up the bun. The inspector likes what he sees. As he takes a bite of his hot dog, he notices a small string coming out of the man’s fly.
“What’s that for?” asks the inspector.
“Oh, it’s so when I go tho the bathroom I don’t have to touch it to take it out.”
The health inspector is very pleased. He then asks, “Well, how do you get it back in?”
The hot dog man replies, “I use the tongs.”