Three Bar Bets – much better version

A man in a bar said to the bartender, “I’ll bet you a hundred bucks I can bite my own eye!” The bartender, convinced this was impossible, accepted. The man pulled out his false teeth, bit his eye gently with them, and replaced them in his mouth. The bartender was pretty upset, but paid the $100.

A few minutes later, the man approached the bartender again. “Look,” he said, “I’ll give you a chance to win that hundred back. I’ll bet you the same hundred bucks I can bite my eye, without taking out my false teeth.” Again the bartender accepted the bet. And again the man pulled a fast one, removing his glass eye and biting it. The bartender was really angry, but paid another $100.

After half an hour, the man came up to the bartender again and apologized. “I really should apologize, it wasn’t fair to take advantage of you like that. I’ll let you win the two hundred dollars back, really easily. I’ll make a bet that if you stand me up on a bar stool and spin me around, I can piss in a glass on the bar without spilling a drop.” The bartender knew this was impossible, and leapt at the chance.

The bartender put a pint glass on the bar, and the man got up on the stool and dropped his pants. As the bartender laughed and spun the stool around, the man started to pee. Nothing went in the glass. He peed all over the bartender, who was laughing so hard he nearly fell over. After he was finished, the bartender chuckled, “How could you make such a stupid bet?”

“It wasn’t stupid at all,” the man said. “I just bet those guys in the corner a thousand bucks I could piss in your face and you’d break up laughing!”
