Blowing Chunks

A Bartender makes a bet with a man. The bartender will set up 20 shots and the man has to drink them without passing out. If the man did this he would be able to drink for free. The man drank the 20 shots and with everyone slapping his back staggered home.

Two weeks passed and the man returned to the bar.
“Hey! There’s the man who will put me out of business!” the bartender joked “What will you have?”

“Milk” the man replied.

“You can have any drink for free, and all you want is milk?” asked the bartender.

“You don’t understand,” said the man, “when I went home that night I blew chunks.”

“you had alot to drink”, replied the bartender, “bound to make any man sick.”

“you don’t understand,” said the man, “Chunks is the name of my dog.”
