Bill Gates VS Pearly Gates

Well it came to pass, that the richest man in the world had finally expired.

Bill Gates shows up one fine heavenly day at the Pearly Gates and beckons on St. Peter…

ST. PETE: “Well Mr. Gates, it appears there has been a mistake here, I don’t see your name on the list.

BILL: “Are you sure, search again”

ST. PETE:” OK, let’s see, theres, Jobs, Woz, Ellison, Clark, NOPE! No Gates!”

“Sorry, Mr. Gates but unfortunately money can’t buy everything… you can take the elevator down to HELL. Thank you!”

(One month goes by)

ST. PETE (Pensive): “Hmm, I wonder how ole Bill is cutting it down in HELL… I think I will call and see how he is”

(He dials the phone)

ring!… ring!…ring!

“INFERNOSOFT — how may we help you today?”

ST.Pete: “DOH!!!”
