The Octopus

A guy walks into a bar with his pet octopus under his arm. The bar is halving a “folk music” night, so most people have brought along their musical instruments.

The guy with the octopus makes an announcement, “I bet $200 my octopus can play ANY musical instrument you offer him!”

Straight away, this guy walks up with an acoustic guitar and hands it to the octopus. The octopus grabs the guitar and rips into a flawless display of Flamenco that would make Paco Pena sit up and take note. Needless to say, the crowd is amazed, and they cheer wildy… all except the guy who owns the guitar. He reluctantly hands over $200, then slinks back to his seat.

“Any other takers?” asks the guy with the octopus.

Sure enough, this guy walks up with a Trumpet, and says ‘No way your octopus can play this!” With that, the octopus rips the Trumpet out of the guy’s hands, and plays a wild solo that would make Louis Amstrong sound like an amateur! Again, the crowd go wild… all except the trumpet owner. He hands over his $200 and slinks back to his table.

“Anyone else game to try?” asks the octopus owner.

There’s a bit of a commotion at the back of the bar, as this HUGE Scotsman makes his way to the octopus, carrying with him his trusty bagpipes.

“Ock Aye! I’ll bet yer wee pet cannot be playing the Bagpipes!?!?”

The octopus grabs the Bagpipes, turns them over, turns them upside down, holds them up, pulls on the tartan bag, turns them over again… His owner begins to get nervous, “Come on, you can play the bagpipes… surely!?!?”

“PLAY IT????” screeches the octopus, “if I can work out how to get these damn pyjamas off, I’m going to FUCK it!!”
