Endangered Meal

One day this guy is sitting on a park bench eating a bald eagle. A cop comes by and says..”Hey fella…What do you think you are doing? That is an endangered species! You can’t kill it and eat it!” The cop arrests him and takes him to jail…

The next day he goes to court and the judge says, “Sir, do you realize that a bald eagle is an endangered species and you can spend up to 5 years in jail for killing and eating it?”

The guy says, “Yes your honor…but I am poor and if I didn’t eat it, I would have starved!” The judge pauses a few minutes and says, “Well sir, under the circumstances, I guess I will make an exception. You are free to go…..but first I want to ask you a question: What exactly does a bald eagle taste like?”

The guy thinks for a moment and says…”Well, your Honor…….It’s kinda like a cross between a whooping crane and a spotted owl.”
