True Golf Story

This really happened one day at our local Country Club…
Harold, an elderly golfer who walked the course every day, walked off of the 18th green after experiencing a dismal round. A few Club Members were standing out behind the clubhouse and watched Harold walk past and down to the pond behind the clubhouse. Harold then took his bag of clubs and threw them as far as he could into the pond. He then turned around and made his way to his car. He sat in his front seat with his head bowed for what seemed like a long time. The other members were beginning to get concerned and started to go over and check on the poor old guy.

Just as they started over, however, Harold got out of his car and headed back to the pond. It seemed, much to the members delight, that Harold was having a change of heart. He waded into the pond up to his waist, and found his bag. He then unzipped the compartment on the side, pulled out his car keys, dropped the clubs back into the water and went home.

As far as I know his clubs are still there.
