Magic Water

One day some kids were walking down the street, and they came upon what looked like a puddle of water. They wanted to know what it was for sure, so they got a handkerchief and drug it through the water, and in front of their eyes the handkerchief disappeared. So, they did it again, and again, and everytime it disappeared. So they said we have got some magic water here. We have got to go get the priest.

So, the priest came to where the puddle of water was. The boys once again, drug the hadkerchief in the water and again it disappeared.

The priest said “Boys that is not magic water, that is what we call acid. He said, “if you want to see some magic water, you need to come down to the church and see some of that Holy Water we got. One time we rubbed it on a woman’s belly and she passed a baby.

The boys said, “Oh, that isn’t nothing one time we rubbed our Magic Water on a dog’s rear end and he passed a motorcycle.”
