Elvis Tattoo

A girl walks into a tattoo shoppe and asks for a tattoo of Elvis on the inside of her left thigh. The artist said, “Elvis is my specialty, c-mon in and have a seat!!”

As he finishes, she takes a look and says, “THAT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE ELVIS!”
He replies, “That is the best Elvis I have ever done.”
She disagrees. So he offers to do a mirror image on the other leg — so he gives her one on the inside of the other leg, perfect mirror image.
She says, “That looks better, but it don’t look like Elvis either.”

So he tells her to go out on the street, and if she finds ONE person that does not think the tattoos look like Elvis, then it’s on the house!!!!! Well…the first person she finds is an old wino. She pulls up her skirt and says, “Who do you think this is?”

He squints & stammers, “I don’t know who the twins are, but the one in the middle looks just like Willie Nelson.”
